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Real steam

References to book on steam technology

On this page I have listed my books on steam technology. The books included are dedicated to the inner working of the steam locomotive. I have not included books about locomotive classes, railways in general, locomotive designers, or builders.

For you convenience I have included the purchase price so you have some idea what they might cost in case you want to find a copy for yourself.

And NO, these books NOT FOR SALE. They are listed for interested in getting started with or getting in depth knowledge of the subject of steam technology.


Title Authors Lang. Issued ISBN Purchase price
De  stoomlocomotief. Deel 1 tekst Labrijn Dutch 1948 None €27,50
De  stoomlocomotief. Deel 2 figuren Labrijn Dutch 1949 None €-  
De stoomlocomotief Harterink & Mook Dutch 1903 None €35,00
Spoorwegtechniek Het rollend materieel NV Nederlandsche Spoorwegen Dutch 1943 None €17,50
Guide to North American Steam Locomotives: History and Development of Steam Power Since 1900 Drury English 1993 978-08-90242-06-3 €12,03
Handbook on the steam locomotive for enginemen and running shed staff South African Railways English 1956 None €-  
Modern Locomotive construction Meyer English 1892 None €-  
Perfecting the American Steam Locomotive Parker Lamb English 2003 978-02-53342-19-5 €25,00
Steam Locomotive Construction and Maintenance Ahrons English None € -  
Super power steam locomotives Cook English 1966 None €12,50


How to prepare, fire and drive a steam locomotive

Topping English 1998 978-08-60935-39-1 €15,81

The locomotive enginemen's manual

The classic locomotive text from 1919

James English 1919/2008 978-09-81652-68-9 €-  

The Locomotive up to date

The classic encyclopedic reference for steam locomotive engineers and firemen

McShane English 1899/2006 978-14-30317-47-0 €-  
The red devil and other tales form the age of steam Wardale English 1998 978-09-52999-80-5 €45,00


Technik und Funktion

M. Weisbrod, R. Barkhoff German 2016 978-3-8375-1726-2 € 29,95
Dampflokomotive, Technik und Funktion Weisbrod, Barkhoff German 2016 978-3-8375-1726-2 € 29,95
Dampflokomotiven in Glasers Annalen 1900-1910 Repetzki German 1985 978-3-921564-77-6 €5,00
Dampflokomotiven in Glasers Annalen 1911-1918 Repetzki German 978-3-921564-78-3 €5,00
Dampflokomotiven in Glasers Annalen 1920-1930 Repetzki German 978-3-921564-63-9 €5,00
Dampflokomotiven in Glasers Annalen 1947-1967 Repetzki German 1984 978-39-21564-66-0 €8,00
Dampflokomotivkunde German 1959 None €19,50
Dampfturbinenlokomotiven Ostendorf German 1971 978-34-40035-97-9 €10,00
Der GieslEjektor Slezak German 1967 None €4,50

Die Ära nach Gölsdorf

Die letzten drei Jahrzehnten des österreichischen Dampflokomotivbaus

GieslGieslingen German 1981 978-39-00134-37-2 €15,00
Die Dampflokomotive Autorenkollektiv German 1965 None €20,00
Die Dampflokomotive im Betrieb German 1958/1983 978-39-80068-41-3 €23,90
Hochdruck und Turbinenlokomotiven der Deutschen ReichsbahnGesellschaft Winkler German 2008 978-38-82551-08-2 €35,00
LokomotivAthleten, Geschichte, Leistung, und Kurvenlauf der Sechs und Siebenkuppler GieslGieslingen German 1995 978-38-54161-71-4 €18,00
Lokomotivbau und Dampftechnik Stoffels German 1991/1976 978-38-81998-48-2 €30,00

Lokomotivführer, I. Abteilung

Der Lokomotivkessel und seine Armatur

Brosius und Koch German 1887/2006 978-36-13712-48-5 €5,00

Lokomotivführer, II. Abteilung

Die Maschine und der Wagen

Brosius und Koch German 1887/2006 978-36-13712-49-2 €5,00

Lokomotivführer, III. Abteilung

Der Fahrdienst

Brosius und Koch German 1887/2006 978-36-13712-94-2 €5,00
Schäden und Störungen beim Betrieb der Dampflok Wilke German 2007/1959 978-36-13713-08-6 €15,00