Garrattfan's Modelrailroading Pages
Increasing depth of field
Or: The miracles of digital photography
The above simple rules apply to any kind of photography. Digital photography
offers us many new and unthought of possibilities. One of them is combining
photo's to artificially increase the depth of field thereby superseding all
laws of physics and optics.
Take a photo of a Y3 and you'll find it isn't completely in the depth of field
area. You'll have a hard time positioning it in this area. Well, the following
trick is available. Take a number of photo's with the focuspoint gradually moving
backward (see the four photos below)
You can combine these photos with Combine ZM (also visit the Yahoo group). Working with this software is astonishingly simple. Sofar I used only four commands:
- File / New to get the files to stack
- Macro / Do stack to actually stack the photo's. The macro extracts the sharp part and en recombines them to one new photos, clear out the mess and shows the result. Sometimes there messy colors but usually the results are great
- Press A to change the selection untill the blurred edges are deselected
- File / Save rectangle as...
It works just great. Combining the above photo's will get you this result::
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