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Railway museums in Norway

In my own interest I tried to collect information on Norwegian railway museums via the internet. As far as I could figure out there is no site listing these museums in on place.

I want to share them with in case you might need it.

You know a site related to a Norwegian Railway museum that is not mentioned here? Let me know!!


The links were last checked on 29 March 2019







Name and link What is it, where is it?
Krøderbanen Museum 26km steam excursions between Vikersund and Krøderen;
100 km NW from Oslo

Not really a museum, but a very interesting railway in a stunning area.

20km of excursions on one from the world's steepest standard gauge railways.
South of the Sognefjord 160 km east from Bergen

Urskog-Holandsbanen Sorumsand , 40 km east from Oslo
Lommedalsbanen Rykinn, 20 km west from Oslo
Gammle Vossebanen From Garnes to Midttun, 30 km from Bergen
Museet Stend stasjon Narrow gauge railway, only station preserved, Stend, 20 km south of Bergen
Norwegian Railway Museum



Thamshavnbanen, Orkla Industrimuseum Preserves industrial and technical pieces of historical interest in the districts of Orkdal and Meldal, south of Trondheim