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Rhätische Bahn Ge4/6 353

The protoype

All members of 1'D1' type electric locomotive of the RhB where delivered in the 1913/14, so shortly after the delivery of the 1'B1' had ended. Though all referred to as Ge 4/6 the class divided in subclasses 301-302, 351-352, 353-355 and 391, all slightly differing in size and characteritics. Only the 301-302 was visually very different in that it had two electric motors driving a rod triangle, so two slanting rods were seen driving the blind axle. The other members of the class had only one such rod on each side.

As far as I can determine the loco's led a rather inconspicuous and uneventful life. Considering their lifespan they must have been successful, they last until well in the seventies. The 353 survives on its home net as a heritage loco, 391 resides at de German Technology Museum in Berlin.


All photos: no 353 shunting at Landquart in 1977.
The loco was scrapped in 1984. A sad testimony to the negligance of the Rhätische Bahn in respect to its heritage.

I couldn't resist recreating the same scene 36 years later



The model


Bemo sells an excellent depiction of the loco in HOm (1:87 meter gauge). In the previous two years I had already bought a Ge 6/6 and e Ge 24. I wanted to complete the series by buying a Ge 4/6. As bought the first two for only €95 each I set myself a goal to buy the Ge 46 for the same price. Well, it took quite some time but in the end I managed to obtain this one in November 2013 for €100 exactly.



The bargain comes at a price though. The accesories bag was open and parts were mssing. 1. The front window hand rails is broken, and its hand rail knobs are missing, 2. three of four electric connectors are missing 3. one of four triangular thingies is missing. I'll buy a new bag from Bemo

But, be honest, isn't the loco cute?