Sign my

SBB Ae 3/6

Completed loco


After  two months the loco is back together again. All in all I am content with the result.

  • A lost loco was salvaged from a scrap box
  • It turned into a nice and valuable present
  • At the price of just €40
  • It gave me another invaluable lesson in painting and masking


There's no such thing as perfection, so there are some points of criticism

  • the loco colour is despite my efforts not spot on. Had I known in advance that this small repair job would turn into a full blown repaint I might invested more time to get the colour right.
  • the semi-gloss clear coating is to glossy to my taste. I'll go looking for another brand of clear coating.
  • decals are absent. I mailed Märklin if there was anything like decals for the Ae3/6, either from their own or from third parties. I never received so much as an answer. So far for the renowned Märklin service. In hindsight I should not have relied in Märklin. I should have made detailed macro photographs of the signs on the loco before dunking it into thinner. At least I would have had a chance to reproduce them.

State portraits

In its box, ready to go to its new owner. Congrats Geert!

The loco in its new habitat

The Ae3/6 II ready for duty on the new owner's table top layout that was so coincidentally set up by his parents. On the right hand side two cars that I gave Geert on two earlier birthdays. The left car is described in a birthday present project.