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Elf tank car

November 2015

Not a project in the literal sense of the word is this Elf tank car. I have a small but ever growing friend, Geert, for whom I already did three previous projects

When I found the Ae 3/6 I already had another idea. Geert and his father had started collecting 2-axled tank cars. I had set my mind on giving a tank car of the Elf oil company and give it to him on the occasion of his eleventh birthday. Elf in Dutch is eleven, 11. As to my knowledge no H0-models existed, I couldn't find any on shows I attended, I started planning for a conversion project. I set about finding prototype photos of an Elf tank car. As I still had plenty of time I didn't really make progress. When I discussed this plan with Geert's father in the summer of 2015 he pointed out that Fleismann once produced a 2-axled Elf tank car, number 5418. It didn't take long to locate one in Germany. The seller was Tom's Hobby World. Good price, good communication, fast delivery. So this little project of mine was cut short by the harsh reality of existing ready-to-run models. But who cares? The model is there and things do not need to be complicated to be a perfect gift.


Just a few pics of a as good as new rare second hand. An excellent model in perfect condition.