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Bagnall "Monarch"

Bagnall 3024 "Monarch" in OO9

As I build models of articulated locomotives I also wanted a Meyer type included in my collection. Models of Meyers are rare so every oppurtunity to get one should put to good use. So I acquired this kit in August 2009. It is produced under the Golden Arrow Productions label and can be ordered via

It is a "body only kit". This means you have to acquire just about everything under the footplate including the cylinders and the valve gear. The latter is a major problem is there is no supplier for an approriate set of Walschaerts' valve gear. Golden Arrow recommend using two Ibertren N scale Cuckoo chassis which are hard to get and very unprototypical. So there is a lot of "hair" on this kit. Basically it is a head start for a scratch building project. In december 2023 I bought a etched chassis kit also form Golden arrow.

The sales site for the Bagnall optimistically shows this built model. It conveniently forgets to mention that buying this superstructure kit and two Ibertren Cuckoo chassis as recommended will never result in a model having outside frames, correct Walschaerts' valve gear, fly wheels and one rail crosshead slide bar. Some one obviously did a very good job at this model (except for the paint job that is).

Status of the project

The project is stored for now

Costs of the project so far

A hobby costs, so who cares.Well, I do. Thes pages are also for my own convenience, my external memory so to speak. So I keep track of the costs