2024-05-10 RTM - public

2024-05-10 13.36.20  -->  A nice  https://rtm-ouddorp.nl/home-gb/  is located near  Ouddorp, Netherlands . It displays and operates a decent array of motive power and rolling stock of the former Rotterdamsche Tramweg Maatschappij (RTM) which ceased operation as a tramway in 1966. You can find it's history on  WikiPedia  (in Dutch only but  Google Translate will help ). As I visited this museum before I won't go into much detail now. 2024-05-10 13.54.12  -->  1702 is a part of three car set. Originally is was an electric tram, but it was converted to diesel by adding the middle car which contained a diesel powered electricity generator DSC02834  -->  Our loco of the day. As we were here for a family outing, I did not have time to document every detail of the day (except for photographing the family of course :-)) DSC02836  -->  Near the shed another loco was being prepared. Our tram was supposed to run with two locomotives, so my guess was this was the double header. At the same time the faces of the men looking at her were very troubled.
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DSC02843  --> DSC02844  --> DSC02845  --> DSC02846  -->  54 wainting for her run, while in the background work on the 56 continues
DSC02848  --> 2024-05-10 13.52.03  -->  Beside 54 rests another dieselcar. Most Diesel units had bird names, this one 'Meeuw", Seagull DSC02849  --> DSC02852  -->  %4 moving forward to her tram, left in this picture
DSC02854  --> DSC02855  --> DSC02856  -->  My camera missed its focus, but still a very athmospheric picture DSC02857  -->  56 did some movements forth and back, but the faces did not light up.
DSC02858  -->  Now I knew we would not have a double header. She would have shunted to the track on the right to run around the tram, but she returned to the entrance of the shed. DSC02867  -->  Without further ado our tram was whistled off DSC02868  --> DSC02876  -->
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