2024-05-02 Jaap 100

DSC02793  -->  In 1922 the Dutch Railways drew up a plan to electrify the railway and end steam by 1945 (if WW2 had not intervened this might have happened). A major step was the development of Class '24 (the number signifying its first year of delivery). No C9002 was handed over by Beijnes in Haarlem on 2 May 1924 to the Dutch Railways. To commemorate the centenary the current owner of C9002 organised a private special on the exact date of 2 May 2024. I was most kindly invited to attend. DSC02644  -->  A first glance on the C9002 in its original livery and currently in a splendid condition. View from the overpass on the station of Hoorn. DSC02645  -->  For some reason this particular car is nicknamed "Jaap", the Dutch version of Jacob. DSC02646  -->  As usual for the time of its design much of the design is reminiscent to the age of steam like buffing gear, the top lamp, use of wood and brass and the riveting of all steel panels. But remember, in the age of steam these motorcars were no less than a sensation
2024-05-02 12.51.59  -->  In all its splendour. The "Jaap" waiting to be shunted to the official departure platform (no 3) in the station of Hoorn X172573 - NS 17033  -->  A class mate on a builder's photo on the factory ground of Beijnes in Haarlen in 1924 (Source Utrechts Archief no 151667, Public Domain). Class '24 was built from 1924-1933 and consisted of 130 motorcars and 129 unpowered carriages. They could be operated in mulptiple traction and in practise they often did run in multiples when necessity dictated. A very detailed description of the Class' history can be found at  Somda  (in Dutch) DSC02825  -->  Birth certificate. DSC02647  -->  The current owner is  2454 CREW
DSC02648  -->  Slam doors. No pneumatic operation whatsoever and not even locked. In the day people where trusted to be sensible and not open a door at 100 km per hour.  Today's nanny-culture necessitates train guards to be present at all doors to prevent people from getting into trouble. DSC02651  -->  Oh by the way, the starting point for our special was at Hoorn, also home to the  Steam tram Hoorn - Medemblik , of which the main reception building is visible in the background. DSC02656  --> DSC02657  -->  Characteristic "double" pantograph.
DSC02658  -->  The rear end of the motorcar allow for passage to other cars. It does contain a very cramped operating space for a driver to operate the car in reverse direction 2024-05-02 13.05.14  -->  Like so. It looks very spartan, but remember this workplace is a huge improvement over the heat and cold of a steam locomotive DSC02659  --> DSC02660  -->  Me making some free advertisement for 2454 CREW.
DSC02661  -->  Invitees gathering for the ride. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, with a gentle 23C and little or no wind it was great to be out and about after the long, dreary winter-like spring DSC02668  -->  NedTrain, a Dutch Railways subsidiary for maintenance of rolling stock, was until 2021 owner of C9002 DSC02670  -->  "Alight quickly via the  front gangway" DSC02671  -->  After a shunt to platform 3 of Hoorn's regular railway station, well ahead of the departure time
DSC02673  -->  Waiting for the SLT ahead of us to depart and clear the way DSC02674  --> DSC02675  --> DSC02678  -->
2024-05-02 13.31.57  -->  The leading cabine is a bit more spacious than the trailing control stand. 2024-05-02 13.32.06  --> 2024-05-02 13.32.09  --> DSC02669  -->  There is a lot to see on the theme "wood and brass".
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DSC02680  --> DSC02702  -->  No words needed... DSC02705  -->  Emergency brake handle Map 1 - Hoorn-Amsterdam  -->  We departed on time. The first leg of the journey would take us to Amsterdam Central station.
DSC02706  -->  The English version would read "Do not lean out of the windows".  Underway to Amsterdam. DSC02707  --> DSC02710  -->  Tine for some happy banter DSC02711  -->
DSC02720  --> DSC02724  --> DSC02732  --> DSC02733  -->
DSC02734  --> DSC02737  --> DSC02745  -->  ICNG rolling alongside DSC02752  -->
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Map 2 - Amsterdam-Haarlem  -->  The sceond leg of the journey took us to Haarlem, the actual birthplace of the Jaap. 2024-05-02 15.01.47  -->  Just a kilometer from Haarlem station ly the Dutch Railways' workshops where the motorcar has been maintained up until 2021 2024-05-02 15.02.00  -->  After much modernisation only few original buildings remain. DSC02765  -->  Haarlem
DSC02766  -->  Haarlem is one of the very few Art Deco (Jugendstil) stations in the Netherlands DSC02768  --> 2024-05-02 15.06.36  --> 2024-05-02 15.06.45  -->
2024-05-02 15.07.17  --> 2024-05-02 15.07.24  --> 2024-05-02 15.07.30  --> Map 3 - Haarlem-Hoorn  -->  Our third and final leg was back to Hoorn. At Heerhugowaard (arrow) the line bisects from the line to Den Helder, which turn further north) and becomes a single track line.
DSC02774  -->  A short stop at Heerhugowaard to wait for the oncoming train as the section from Heerhugowaard to Hoorn is a single track line 2024-05-02 15.48.24  --> 2024-05-02 15.50.34  --> 2024-05-02 15.50.37  -->
2024-05-02 15.51.44b  --> 2024-05-02 15.51.54  -->  Ready for the last kilometers 2024-05-02 14.51.23  --> DSC02777  -->  through a beautiful landscape
DSC02778  --> DSC02779  -->  Approaching station Obdam DSC02781  --> DSC02785  -->  flower beds in bloom
DSC02788  -->  Hoorn DSC02789  -->  Once back in Hoorn we were waiting for the shunting locomotive to move Jaap back into the fenced area of the museum tram. DSC02800  --> DSC02801  -->
DSC02803  --> DSC02806  --> DSC02808  -->  Shunting lights (one light down right) on. DSC02809  -->
DSC02815  --> DSC02816  --> DSC02824b  -->  A birthday drink for Jaap, while Jaap rests and watches DSC02829  -->  Obligatory speeches
DSC02832  -->  Jaap simmers in the setting sun 2024-05-02 17.01.49b  -->  A wonderful day